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Sunday, 11 December 2011


You can never feel this Excitement in me, Am a Fan of Window Skin... The Traditional or Default Windows Skin suck, Am very Sure most of the PC Users on NL will surely love this New and Cool Skin for Window 7 and the Great Christmas Skin for your PC to make your Friends go Gaga this December Period.
Don't wanna talk much today because tomorrow is my Birthday {10-12-2011} So, Lets kick start, I will be Showing you Guys the Screenshot of the Skins + the Download Link.... No need for any Steps on How to Install them on You PC, Just Download the Skin Installer with the Correct Link and Install on your PC, You will be Prompt to Reboot your PC after Installation, Just Follow the Steps and Start enjoying a newer PC Experience.
Feel this Christmas Skins, Apply it to your PC and Feel the Impact of this Christmas Season on this Pc's and also with lovely sound...

::.. Download this Christmas Skin Here {51.6MB} .:::
Check out other Lovely Selected Skins for Your PC Here.

:::. Download this Mango Skin Here {37.3MB} .:::
Use this Skin to Convert your Window 7 to Window 8 OS.. You will love it.

:::. Download this Window 7 to Window 8 Skin Here {27.6MB} .:::
The New UcWeb in town is Hot and Loaded with Great Features you will love!... Ucweb 8.0.6 comes with a Dynamic Themes, Easy to Use and aid Flexible Browsing on Mobile.
The New UcBrowser comes with a Fully Loaded File Manager that will blow your Mind, The Download Speed now Rocks even more than that of any other Version of UcBrowser.
1. A Dedicated File Manager to help you Manage your Files.
2. Unbeatable Download & Upload Speed.
3. Ability to Change the Themes of your Browser.
4. You can now Share Page to Facebook, Twitter with the Inbuilt Share Page Tools available under the Tools tab.
=> Many other Old but Upgraded Features now available in the Ucweb Browser... Its Really worth it... Step up your Mobile Browsing Experience with the New Ucweb Browser.DOWNLOAD IT NOW FOR ANY DEVICE

Most time when we Insert any Removable Device through the USB Port of our PC, it is adviceable to Remove it using the System Tools or Option on the Taskbar before Removing it from the USB Port, Most people dont see this Step as something important or they Forget to do so, thats why most USB Device get Corrupts.

You can create shortcut to safely remove hardware device on you Desktop which is more visible and can be easily used to remove the hardware devices plugged to your PC.
1. Right click on your Desktop and Click on New.
2. Now click on Shortcut option from the list.
3. In the browse location just Paste in the below code and click on Next button.
4. Now it will ask you to Name the shortcut. Name it something like Safety Remove USB and then click on the Finish button
5. There should be a shortcut icon on your Desktop just double click on it and your external media will be Removed Safely.

Tips:- This Tutorial works well on Window XP, Vista and other Version of Windows OS!
      Opera Mini For BlackBerry 6.5 Updated To Fix BIS Issues

close to a month ago, Opera Mini 6.5 was released for most major mobile platforms, with the Blackberry OS not excluded. Unfortunately some blackberry subscribers had issues installing the application on their devices and on further investigation, it was revealed that Opera Mini was also consuming our call credit instead of using the BlackBerry Internet Service subscription.
Considering the fact that I had used Opera Mini for Blackberry flawlessly while on Globacom Nigeria’s BlackBerry Plan, I made the conclusion (backed by reports from Etisalat customer care reps) that Opera Mini just wasn’t compatible with the Etisalat Nigeria’s BlackBerry Plans thus I wrote the post Beware Of Etisalat BlackBerry Plan: Opera Mini Not Supported.
Like others before me, I had filed a complain via the Opera Forums and the Opera team got together to create a fix which they’ve now released today. Apparently some modifications they made to the app made it somewhat incompatible with BlackBerry 6.
Thus Opera Mini for BlackBerry moves from version 6.5.27025 to version 6.5.27548.
With this new release, Opera has fixed the issue of Opera Mini not installing on some BlackBerry devices running OS 6.0.
I’ve tested it now and my call credit has remained intact thus proving it now works with BIS.
To upgrade to the new version of Opera Mini 6.5, simply point your Blackberry default browser at and install over the previous version.

Just like most internet enabled mobile phones in the market today, every BlackBerry device in cases of emergency can serve as a modem to connect to the internet.
This tutorial will guide you through the quick steps needed to configure your BlackBerry Desktop Manager’s mobile internet settings and thus get you connected to the web. Please note that you’ll need to have another data plan with your network provider as you cannot use your BlackBerry data plan to surf the internet on your desktop/laptop.
If you’re a Nigerian, here are the internet data settings and subscription plans for the major GSM companies in the country: Airtel-Zain Internet Plans, Glo Internet Plans, Etisalat Internet Plans and MTN Internet Plans.
After subscribing to your plan of choice, please take note of the Internet Settings of that particular network as you’d be needing it now.
Lets begin

Step 1
Download and Install the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.

Step 2
Launch your BlackBerry Desktop Manager and go to Tools in the menu bar section. Select Mobile Internet Settings from the drop down menu as shown below.
Configure BlackBerry Mobile Internet Settings

Depending on your country of origin, you can readily choose your settings from the preconfigured list. Nigerian networks aren’t on the list thus I’ll be creating a custom profile by clicking on the Add custom profile button circled in red below.
A small window pops up and you simply fill in your network’s internet settings. Leave the Additional commands field clear!
Fill In Your Network Provider's Internet Settings

Once you are done, hit the OK button to exit the small popup screen then OK again to exit the Mobile Internet Settings configuration dialog.
Save Your Network Provider's Internet Settings

Go back to Menu >> Tools and click on Start Mobile Internet
Connect To The Internet Using The Created Profile

Ignore the warning below as you’ve already subscribed to a suitable data plan for your desktop/laptop browsing. Click on Connect
Ignore This Warning

If your network provider’s internet service is working, at the bottom left of the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, you should see something that looks like the capture below ( Time Connected and Data Used ). It means you are now connected.
BlackBerry Internet Connection For Desktop and Laptop Now Active

Once you’re done surfing the internet, just go back to the menu bar >> Tools >> Disconnect Mobile Internet.
Disconnect BlackBerry Mobile Internet

And that’s all there is to it. Hope you like and do please share it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook etc.
Cheers Winking smile.

How To Find The Titles Of Unknown Music On Your BlackBerry
Detect Artistes Of Unknown Songs With Shazam Encore BlackBerry ApplicationEver heard a lovely movie soundtrack or heard a song in the mall and wondered who sang the song and how you can order for it stat? Well we all have and so have the guys at Shazam Entertainment Limited who in collaboration with 7Digital music offer BlackBerry users the ability to detect the artist and song title of just about any track in world.
Shazam Encore makes up 9 premium apps which Research In Motion is offering all BlackBerry subscribers worldwide in compensation for the not too recent 3 day lapse in service.
Its function is pretty simple: You launch the application, get close to any music source and Click to Shazam. Wait a few seconds for the app to grab a snippet of the music which it then sends to the server then returns the result: Name of Song, Artiste and Record Company.
Shazam further offers you options to share the track via the social media networks and also options to watch music videos of the song on YouTube if available and to listen/buy the track via 7Digital if also available.
I tested the app with Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Barenaked, Diana King’s Lies, Amel Larrieux All I Got, David Jordan’s Place In My Heart and En Vogue’s Riddle as well as VV Brown’s Shark In The Water and it all detected them all. No word on how far back Shazam’s database of music goes but I must say I’m impressed.
It doesn’t work on Nigerian music though. I tried with Tiwa Savage’s Love me Love me but no luck Sad smile.
The app has a tiny bug though that leaves the entire screen blue without an option to shut it down unless a battery pull is done. I really wouldn’t know if this bug is exclusive to the BlackBerry Curve 3G.
You can download Shazam Encore app for BlackBerry for free via the BlackBerry Appworld until December 31, 2011 when RIM’s compensatory offer closes.
Download BlackBerry Desktop Software 7.0 BETA

Download BlackBerry Desktop Software 7
I’ve been having a quite a hard time downloading the latest official version of BlackBerry’s Desktop Software which amongst other functions, helps you to backup and restore your BlackBerry data as well as connect to the internet using your BlackBerry as a modem.
Just like when I downloaded BlackBerry OS 6 and upgraded my Curve 3G, the download speed is incredibly slow and just doesn’t support resume download.
Luckily for me, OpenSourceBB just released the beta version of BlackBerry Desktop Software 7 and they were kind enough as to host the file on their servers Winking smile
The download using UC Browser / Download Manager for BlackBerry was pretty fast and so far so good after installation, the only interesting feature that’s back is the ability to download / transfer your files from your media card and device memory to your desktop or laptop computer and vice versa. It’s all drag and drop all the way Winking smile.
So far so good, the beta version of the BlackBerry Desktop Software 7 seems to be working just fine on my 32-bit Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic with my BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300 which is running BlackBerry OS

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